Tesla's Innovational Technologies | What's it all about | Transcript
Here is a transcript of the presentation, slide by slide
A list of scientific sources appears at the bottom of the page.
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1. Bandara P, Weller S
Biological effects of low-intensity radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation—time for a paradigm shift in regulation of public exposure.
Radiation Protection Australasia. 2017; 34: 2-6
1. Bandara P, Weller S
Biological effects of low-intensity radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation—time for a paradigm shift in regulation of public exposure.
Radiation Protection Australasia. 2017; 34: 2-6
2. Volkow ND, Tomasi D , Wang GJ, et al.
Effects of cell phone radiofrequency signal exposure on brain glucose metabolism
JAMA. 2011; 305: 808-813
4. Schmid MR, Loughran SP, Regel SJ, et al.
Sleep EEG alterations: effects of different pulse-modulated radio frequency electromagnetic fields
J Sleep Res. 2012; 21: 50-58
5. Kimata H
Microwave radiation from cellular phones increases allergen-specific IgE production.
Allergy. 2005; 60: 838-839
6. Zothansiama, Zosangzuali M, Lalramdinpuii M, Jagetia GC
Impact of radiofrequency radiation on DNA damage and antioxidants in peripheral blood lymphocytes of humans residing in the vicinity of mobile phone base stations.
Electromagn Biol Med. 2017; 36: 295-305
AND Bandara P, Weller S
Biological effects of low-intensity radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation—time for a paradigm shift in regulation of public exposure.
Radiat Protect Australas. 2017; 34: 2-6
7. Carlberg M, Hardell L
Evaluation of mobile phone and cordless phone use and glioma risk using the bradford hill viewpoints from 1965 on association or causation.
Biomed Res Int. 2017; 2017: 9218486
8. Cell phone radio frequency radiation.
National Toxicology Program, US Department of Health and Human Services, ; 2018
Date accessed: November 8, 2018
AND Falcioni L, Bua L, Tibaldi E, et al.
Report of final results regarding brain and heart tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats exposed from prenatal life until natural death to mobile phone radiofrequency field representative of a 1.8GHz GSM base station environmental emission.
Environ Res. 2018; 165: 496-503
10. Divan HA, Kheifets L, Obel C, Olsen J
Prenatal and postnatal exposure to cell phone use and behavioral problems in children.
Epidemiology. 2008; 19: 523-529
11. Taye RR, Deka MK, Rahman A, Bathari M
Effect of electromagnetic radiation of cell phone tower on foraging behaviour of Asiatic honey bee, Apis cerana F. (Hymenoptera: Apidae).
J Entomol Zool Stud. 2017; 5: 1527-1529
13. Smith-Roe SL, Wyde ME, Stout MD, et al. Evaluation of the genotoxicity of cell phone radiofrequency radiation in male and female rats and mice following subchronic exposure. Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society Annual Conference; Raleigh, NC, USA; Sept 9–13, 2017.
AND Ruediger HW
Genotoxic effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.
Pathophysiology. 2009; 16: 89-102
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