Tesla's Innovational Technologies | What's it all about?

and other radiation sources
and what you can do about it...
There is increasing scientific and medical evidence that 5G and other human-created EMFs/EMR can be dangerous to humans, as well as to other animal life.
Otherwise, here is a list of scientifically verified harmful effects of 5G and other human-created EMFs/EMR... the scientific sources for these appear below the list.

- cancer
- tumours

- brain tumours
- brain damage
- alters microRNA expression in the brain
- cognitive impairment
- affects brain wave patterns
- increases blood-brain permeability
- Alzheimers
- autism

- DNA Damage
- gene expression changes
- chromosome aberrations
- arrhythmias
- high blood pressure
- cardiovascular alterations
- central nervous system alterations
- thyroid damage, thyroid cell death, and hypothyroidism
- liver and kidney cell damage
- salivary gland tumors
- glandular changes and disruptions
- auditory dysfunction
- tinnitus
- nasal septal mucosa damage
- blood cell deaths
- adverse effects on pituitary-adrenal gland axis
- raised risks of glioma (tumours)
- activation of Epstein-Barr virus in lymphoid cells
- sperm damage and reduced sperm quality
- reproductive pattern disruptions
- infertility
- oxidative cellular damage
- impairment in cell oxidation-reduction equilibrium within the growing cells
- damage to embryos
- childhood hyperactivity and emotional problems
- adversely affects neural development and behaviour
- short-term memory adversely affected in school students
- behavioural problems in small children
- sleep disruptions
- disrupts Circadian rhythms
- memory deficits
- clinical electrohypersensitivity
- headaches, migraine
- fatigue
- skin conditions
And here is a list of the sources... note that there are not 10s, not 100s, but literally 1000s of peer-reviewed, published studies that give evidence that EMFs/EMR, including 5G, can be harmful to us.

- PowerWatch: 1,670 Peer-Reviewed Scientific Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health
- EMF Analysis: EMF Research including 2300 studies done by US Naval Medical Research Institute
- Scientific American: We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe
- The Lancet: Planetary electromagnetic pollution: it is time to assess its impact
- US National Library of Medicine: Risks to Health and Well-Being From Radio-Frequency Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices
- The Lancet Oncology: Carcinogenicity of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields
- 5G Risk: The Scientific Perspective - Martin L. Pall, PHD
- The International EMF Scientist Appeal
- Comparing DNA damage induced by mobile telephony and other types of man-made electromagnetic fields
- International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
- US National Toxicology Program
- Evaluation of Mobile Phone and Cordless Phone Use and Glioma Risk
- The 5G appeal: Scientists and doctors call for a moratorium on the roll-out of 5G
- Environmental Research Journal: Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health
- Environmental Health Trust (EHT): Published Scientific Research on 5G, 4G Small Cells, Wireless Radiation and Health
- 5G Radiation Scientific Studies
- Wireless Industry Confesses: “No Studies Show 5G is Safe”
- Khar'kov Scientific Research Institute - declassified document - Russian research into the biological effects of millimetre radiowaves, which directly relates to 5G technology.
- International Journal of Oncology: Case-control study of the association between malignant brain tumours diagnosed between 2007 and 2009 and mobile and cordless phone use
- Autism and EMFs
The Dermatology Unit, Kaplan Medical Center, Rechovot, and
the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University: INCREASED INCIDENCE OF CANCER NEAR A CELLPHONE TRANSMITTER STATION - Exposure to a 50 Hz Electromagnetic Field Induces Activation of the Epstein-Barr Virus Genome in Latently Infected Human Lymphoid Cells
In the face of this, nobody can claim that 5G and other human-created EMFs/EMR are completely safe! Don't believe the lies!
Please note that, contrary to what Telcos and 5G proponents will throw at us to defend 5G and EMFs/EMR safety, studies that show "no effect" are not refutations of peer-reviewed studies that show harm, nor are they safety studies. They will play this clever game with us until we call them out.
Let's see proper, independent, peer-reviewed safety studies. And if they want to argue with the science that shows harm, let them refute each study using independent research, which involves replicating the original studies and proving that these were flawed. To date, we have seen very little of this.
What Can We Do?

All of this is very disturbing, of course. What can we do about it? We cannot change the roll-out of 5G. It's a done deal. We cannot control governments, regulatory bodies, and industries with vested interests who are all in bed with each other. Money and power rule. Even in the scientific world.
Moreover, Telcos are bigger and more powerful even than Big Pharma, and we know what kind of shenanigans Big Pharma gets up to. For example, Bayer/Monsanto has just settled a multi-billion dollar lawsuit in the USA in relation to glyphosate (RoundUp). Total global revenue of Big Pharma in 2019 was 1.25 trillion USD. Total global revenue of only cell/mobile phones will be 1.2 trillion USD in 2020 not including all other devices using telecommunications, such as computers, SMART technology, and the Internet of Things (IOT), the latter of which is exploding exponentially.
In short, we cannot control criminals with the intent to profit from us without any concern for our safety or well-being.
What we can control is ourselves. We can take proper steps to address the potential dangers of 5G and other human-created EMR/EMFs. And, in all this, we can then be able to use 5G and all the other miracles of modern technology with greater peace of mind.
That is what Tesla's Technology is about.

Tesla’s Innovational Technologies was started as a way to address the dangers of human-created electromagnetic radiation and fields (EMR and EMF). This includes harmful radiation emitted by phones, computers, microwaves, radar, wifi, household electricity, high-tension power lines, and more, as well as natural underground ley lines causing geopathic stress.
Most recently, this includes 5G, which is the most under-tested yet highly-pushed technology in the world currently. There is substantial science to show that 5G can be highly dangerous to humans and all other life on Earth. Yet, those promoting it are ignoring this science, even claiming it does not exist or otherwise trying to discredit it as bad science, conspiracy theories, or, even more childishly, as tin-foil-hat material.
The solution to the dangers of human-created EMR/EMF, which encompasses 5G even though this is a recent creation, was conceived by Nikola Tesla who originally created most of the technologies that emit these radiations. Telsa is widely regarded as the inventor of the modern age. For example, he created AC power, which you have in your house today, as well as the radio, wireless communications, fluorescent light, radar, and more.
Shortly before his untimely death, after which the US government stole all his work, Tesla entrusted many of his papers, including those pertaining to rendering human-created EMR/EMF safe, to his technician assistant Ralph Bergstresser. Bergstresser went on to develop these technologies to render human-created radiation biologically safe and compatible with organic life. Later, Tesla’s Innovational Technologies was entrusted with this technology and was charged with bringing it to the world.

For more about Nikola Tesla and how this technology was acquired by Tesla's Innovational Technologies, follow this link.
I have been personally involved with Tesla’s Innovational Technologies, its founders, and its products for over a decade and have found the products to be genuine and effective. The technology behind the products is real and has been extensively tested and confirmed, as you will see in the presentation below, unlike other such products claiming to protect against 5G and other human-created radiation dangers.
The final judge, though, will be you. Try these products, and see how they make a difference to you. There is little risk, as we offer a 90-day, 100% unconditional money-back guarantee on most of Tesla's products.* It’s worth it to protect yourself, your family, and your other friends and loved ones.
Tesla's Technology gives us options for remaining safe in the face of an increasingly scary technological world and those who would turn this technology against us. It allows us to enjoy the benefits of modern technology without putting ourselves in danger and at risk.
The rest is up to you...
If you are ready to explore your options for addressing the dangers of 5G and EMR/EMF, click here.
Otherwise, you may wish to view our Informational Videos.
These will answer any other questions you may have about 5G and EMFs/EMR and about what you can do about the potential dangers.
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for addressing the dangers of 5G and other human-created EMFs/EMR
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For all the up-to-date news and information about the scientifically verified adverse effects of 5G and other human-created EMFs/EMR and related matters and what we can do to address all of this.
* Refunds cannot be given on Tesla's Personal Pendants or Spirit Plates, as these "tune" themselves to the wearer and cannot be reprogrammed to another person afterwards. However, our refund policy applies to all other Tesla's products.